Saturday, August 22, 2009

Orange Hawaiian

Bottom Dock^^ OTA

20's Swimmers

Thanks again T4bb for the space! (BTW, they have a killer staff and just a great place to be!)

Hello Beach Kitty

Just watermarks, folks. They won't show up on your phone.

OTA 8300

OTA 8100 by request!

Teal Paisley

I didn't do a screen grab, but this is a bottom dock.

Hello Umbrelly Kitty "L"

Just another watermark, it won't show up on your theme!

Pink, pink, more pink!

I *heart* the 80s!

I will be doing a bit of revising on this one, too. Getting rid of the black on top- and a couple more versions, possibly?

For those of you who lived (Yes, I actually did!) or just LOVE the 80's... this is for you :)

No worries, the JENNY BUCKET is just a watermark. I really should have them on all my pictures.


PowerPuff Girls Today+ Calendar

New Today+ version Cleaned up a bit, better than my original :)


I know I need to spend more time working on the BLOG rather than working on themes- but seriously, I did this cool one. I uploaded it for everyone over at (Because they're rad, what can I say?)

Here's the link: And no, I am NOT HOT LINKING. I am just doing this til I get mine up for the next couple of days.

I forgot to give you the link! This link <--- is over at themes 4 BB

This coming link is for here :)

Enjoy, boys!

David Boreanaz/Booth/Angel *SWOON* 8300

I made this especially for my 12yo daughter. Yes, she has a MAD crush on this guy. How could she NOT?!